Embodied Carbon (moderated by Dave Intner, SCE)
Date & Time
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Irina Brauzman Karin Perissinotto Jack Rusk

Embodied carbon, the emissions associated with the production and transportation of building materials, is a significant contributor to climate change and a key area of concern for reducing impacts from the construction sector. In this panel discussion, you will hear from three experts who represent different roles and perspectives on the topic: (1) the supervising architect from the Building Standards Commission, who will explain the current regulatory landscape regarding embodied carbon in CALGreen; (2) the sustainability manager for a cement and concrete producer, who will share how they are innovating low-carbon solutions; and (3) a practicing architect whose firm develops leading software tools for life cycle assessment. Join us for this engaging and informative session exploring how California became the first state to formally address embodied carbon in its building codes and how regulators, suppliers, and designers can collaborate toward innovative and cost-effective solutions that meet and exceed current requirements.  

Location Name
Room 1: Magnolia
Full Address
Sheraton Grand Sacramento Hotel
1230 J St
Sacramento, CA 95814
United States